Removing Raccoons From Your Attic

Are you having raccoon problems in your attic? Well you need to get rid of them as soon as possible. They mainly chose the attic because it is dry, close to food meant for your pets and safe from predators where they can safely deliver and raise their young ones. Since they are nocturnal they are most active at night making loud noises, scratching and chirping. If not quickly removed, they can cause extreme damage to the roof, attic insulation and they chew wires leaving them exposed and dangerous. In addition, they will litter their feces all over your attic and urinate all over resulting in an unbearable stench. Here are some tips on dealing with them before you call us for raccoon removal.
Find traps that are designed for raccoons and mount them on your attic, however, before you set your trap, find out if there are any young ones, these are normally helpless and can be removed easily by hand. In addition you can use them in your trap to capture the adults.
Repellants are very effective particularly when the female is raising its young. If it finds that the environment is not conducive e.g. the scent of its predator (smell of predator urine), it will get out and relocate to a safer place for its young. You can also soak rags in ammonia and put them on the attic. They can’t bear the smell of ammonia .
Play radio in the attic
Set a loud volume on the radio and put it in the attic during the day to interrupt its sleep. Raccoons like to avoid interactions with people, therefore, they will think its people talking and thus escape.
Illuminate the attic
Since they are nocturnal, if you set floodlights in the attic, they won’t find any darkness leaving them with no choice but to leave. After they leave, make sure you seal the entry points to avoid their return and to prevent other animals from entering your attic.
Call us for any animal control Oakville services: 647-931-5319