Why Do Raccoons Nest in Attics

If it’s around March, and you think there might be a raccoon in your attic, you are probably right. Raccoons usually give birth in early spring, right around March. And it would not be beneath a raccoon to make its nest in your attic. It simply is using its paternal instincts to provide for its new family. The mother raccoon finds her way into your attic, and then begins to make her nest. She is not picky as to what she uses, so she uses anything she can get her paws on.
She will usually tear up your insulation, as it is the most like grasses and hays that she would normally use if she were outside. The grasses and hays would provide the most cushion and warmth for her newborn kits, or baby raccoons. She will tear up enough insulation for her to embrace herself and her kits when they are born.
Just like you would be more at ease in a hospital at the time of your child’s birth, a mother raccoon is more at ease in a controlled environment, such as your attic. A raccoon in a home is much less stressed out when she is giving birth than if she were outside. This is why most mother raccoons look for a house to have her kits in.
In most cases, the raccoon building a nest in your attic is pregnant with the intent to give birth. This is not to say you will not come across an occasional male raccoon. But if you have a raccoon in your attic, you should assume it is a female with intent to give birth, or already has.
If you have raccoons in your attic, and want them gone, not only do you have to shoo them away, but you need to make it so they don’t want to come back. If you get rid of them then seal the entrance, and the raccoon wants back in, it will manage to find a way in. Put repellant near the entrance so if the raccoon ventures back, it won’t want to again. When you’re sure there is no sign of activity, then you can safely seal the entrance, and hopefully seal out all future raccoons too! Visit our wildlife service page for more information.
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